
Natural Solution to Dark Spots, Dull, Pimples, and Tanning Skin

Humans face several temporary skin problems. Some skin disorders have very severe signs and marks. They occur for a short span, while in some conditions, it takes a lot of time to heal. Few of the skin problems are hereditary, and a few are conditional.

Having natural, healthy-looking skin is not out of the question. It can be possible by having a healthy diet plan and following a perfect natural skincare routine.

Below are a few of the minor skincare problems and their natural solution.

1. Dark spots on face:

Many people face dark spots, and it has many causes. Some of the dark spots will get cleared on their own with time, and some need care. It can occur when the skin produces a large amount of melanin, the pigment that provides skin a dark color is also known as hyperpigmentation.

What causes dark spots on the face?

Dark spots and patches often occur due to the reasons given below:

Sun exposure:

UV rays and tanning can especially cause dark spots. Blemishes can often be experienced during adulthood days. This is the time when your skin is exposed to the sun mostly. Those who have thin hair follicles or skin follicles may get dark spots easily. Yet, many further things may also lead to dark marks.

Skin conditions:

There are many skin conditions and issues that result in dark spots. In the post-inflammatory period, you may suffer from dark dots. That is, when your pimple, scratch, or rash is cleared up, this may occur. It can also be caused after any insect bite, injury, or wound cure. Additionally, it may also be generated by any harsh chemical products.


A few of the medicines and pills do produce dark spots. As they cause the skin to be more sensitive to sun exposure.

How to remove dark spots from the face?

Many people face this issue about how to lighten dark spots on the face. The first foremost step to reduce the spots is using natural products and eliminating the harsh chemical products that you have in your bag.

Add natural face scrub, face mask, face wash in your skincare routine with charcoal, honey, potato, walnut, and Multani Mitti in it. Check out the benefits of natural ingredients that can improve your skin problems and issues.

Charcoal Benefits for Skin:

The charcoal will remove all the dead skin cells, dirt, pollutants, oil making your skin clean, even-toned, and smooth. It has numerous skin benefits. It has hydrating and soothing properties that will make your skin healthy and glowing.

Honey benefits for skin:

Honey can do wonders to your skin. It acts as a natural exfoliate, has healing, antibacterial, antioxidant properties. Honey cleanses the pores, clears acne, moisturizes the skin, lightens the even-toned skin.

Coffee benefits for skin:

Coffee is the best natural exfoliator that is rich in antioxidants. It increases skin elasticity, regulates your skin cells, and repairs skin damage. It is an effective ingredient for face scrub as it rubs away the dead skin cells.

Multani Mitti Benefits for skin:

Multani Mitti also known as fuller’s earth is a mass of minerals that cleanse your face, reduces surplus oil production, acne, blemishes, and lighting the uneven skin tone.

The natural blend that could help you in curing the dark spots is walnut, potato, coffee, papaya, aloe vera, and much more. Hence, Incredible Man Facial Kit Combo consists of all the above natural extracts that refresh your skin, hydrate, and repair skin effortlessly.

2. Dull skin on the face

Do your skin look dull and want to make it glowing and nourishing? Here you can have a brief on why it is looking dull and how to make your skin glow naturally.

Reasons for dull skin

Check out the most common cause for dull-looking skin.

Dehydrating skin:

Dehydration influences the skin’s appearance. It reduces the moisture of the skin, which further affects your skin and makes it dull. As the skin surface gets dehydrated, due to which the skin glow reduces.

Dead skin cells:

As with age, the skin develops and reduces relieving new skin cell rate and also reduces producing oil. Therefore, the skin gets dry and experiences dead skin cells, which result in dull skin. This arises when you’re not regular in exfoliating your skin.

The environment is affecting your skin:

The environmental conditions affect your skin in a very loft manner such as low-quality air, intense winds, direct UV rays from sunlight can make your skin dull and fade.

You’re not following a nutritious diet cycle:

Your skin radiance depends on what you eat. It not only affects your health but also affects your skin conditions. An unhealthy diet plan with the absence of vitamins, minerals, and biotins can cause your skin to look dull.

Remedies for dull skin:

You can make your skin look glowy by following a few steps. You always have to be gentle on your skin by keeping it clean and toned. Never skip removing makeup and applying the right sunscreen. Include exfoliation and a natural Multani mitti face pack in your weekly skincare routine. Keep yourself hydrated and cover your face whenever you go out in the sun although you have applied sunscreen.

3. Pimples on Face:

Pimples are a major hindrance, a most familiar issue faced by all ages. It has several reasons and several types. It can be inflammatory and non-inflammatory.

Why do pimples occur?

Extra oil production:

The increase in oil production increases when there is an increase in hormonal changes. Mostly this happens while puberty, the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, menopause.

Dead skin cells and oil:

The follicles on the skin are affixed to the oil glands. Whereas the follicle layer would form a whitehead or a blackhead. Furthermore, the pores get packed with dead skin cells and oil that result in acne or pimples.

Additionally, hormonal changes, stress, inappropriate diet, and a stressful mind can also worsen the acne/pimple condition.

Natural pimple remedies for oily skin:

You need to treat your pimple skin very accurately. You need to keep your skin clean and avoid exfoliation during this phase. Never pop up your pimples. You have to switch to natural extracts of skin care regimes like papaya that fight and decrease your acne problems.

Benefits of Papaya for skin

The enzyme in papaya acts as a natural Exfoliator. It helps in eliminating your blemishes and pigmentation. It removes the dead skin cells, unclogging the pores. It helps in enhancing your skin and making it even-toned. Use Incredible Man Papaya Face Wash that will not only reduce your pimple problems but also has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce your overall skin problems.

4. Tanning of skin:

Causes of tanning:

Tanning is an issue that is observed in the body parts which are exposed to sunlight. The skin cells get affected when exposed to the sun’s UV rays. Melanin acts as a protective shield and blocks the UV rays. This pigment is settled on the upper layer of the skin cells. Hence, tanning is visualized in the body parts which are uncovered, and sunlight heads it to a darkening effect.

How to remove sun tan from face:

Add natural extracts in your skincare routine to remove skin tanning such as honey, papaya, potato juice. Exfoliate and use a natural face pack which can reduce tanning. Avoid going out during sun time. Apply a suitable sunscreen while stepping out of the home. Schedule a complete cleansing, exfoliating, and masking routine.

About the Brand:

Incredible Man – Absolutely Superior is a dedicated, certified, and natural brand serving skincare, haircare, and body care products. The objective of the brand is to switch to natural products and eliminate the use of toxic and chemical products. Each of the Incredible Man products is uniquely formulated, paraben-free, sulfate-free, cruelty-free, mineral oil-free, and are vegan friendly. All the products are formulated with natural extracts with a refreshing aroma.

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