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FUE Hair Transplant UK

FUE Hair Transplant UK? Frayed hair begins to fall out over time. Hair loss can be a genetic factor, as well as environmental factors, stress, seasonal changes, hormonal disorders can also trigger hair loss. In addition, advancing age is also known to significantly affect hair loss.

Hair loss can lead to a lack of self-confidence in a person, as well as psychological effects such as the person feeling old. Hair transplantation can be done to make the hair shed look as lush and natural as before. As a result of hair transplantation, your hair is at least as lush and healthy as before.

Different methods of hair transplantation are applied for hair transplantation. Among these methods, FUE hair transplantation provides more effective results, although the session time of the procedure is longer than other methods.


What is Fue hair transplantation? it would be useful to provide information about the content of the method when asked. The FUE hair transplantation method is a hair transplantation method that is widely used in the world. During this method, no incision is made on the scalp, no piercing is performed on the skin.

Fue stands for Follicular Unit Extraction. This method was first applied in Japan in 1988 with 1 mm punches. The acquisition of the method in the medical literature coincides with 2002.

In the Fue method, hair roots are implanted in the desired area by taking one by one from the region selected as the donor region, that is, by separating them from the skin. Hair follicles taken from the donor area are planted individually, not collectively in the desired area, but in the same way. For this reason, the implant of the hair follicles leads to this method being performed with longer sessions than other methods. Currently, this method is performed with a micromotor, rather than punches.

Hair transplantation with the FUE method is a very widely used method. How this method is applied is important. The method should first be applied by specialist paramedics. Otherwise, a non-aesthetic hair image may occur.

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Micro FUE hair October technique

It is an improved version of the manual FUE technique. In the micro hair October technique, it is the process of removing hair follicles through equipment with micro ends. Micromotors are used in this technique with tiny tips. The ends are based on the principle of drilling holes in the range of 0.6 – 0.9 mm. Micro circles are opened on the scalp, the textural structures near the hair follicle and the hair follicle are separated and removed.

Saffir FUE hair transplantation

As with the micro FUE technique, Saffir FUE and micro FUE are not actually techniques. They are only sub-innovations of the FUE technique. The only difference of Saffir FUE is that the ends Used are derived from Sapphire, not metal. It is effective in opening microchambers on the scalp and is ideal for less crustation rates. It also contributes to the acceleration of healing phases. Sapphire tip microneedles are much healthier than other needle structures.

Soft FUE hair transplantation

Although FUE is referred to as the sub-technique of hair transplantation, it is the sub-innovation of the FUE technique. SOFT FUE means that the hair October operation is supported by sedation-oriented drugs, which relieve the patient but do not have an effect on his consciousness. In summary, with this technique, there is no loss of consciousness, but you can have a hair transplant without feeling any pain. Sedation effective drugs are not the type to prevent actions such as going to the toilet, talking.


Fue hair transplantation is widely preferred recently because it provides many innovations and convenience compared to older methods. In contrast to past methods, the reason why it is more preferred is that the person who has undergone the procedure allows for faster healing since the scalp is not cut. In this way, no stitches are applied to the area where the hair transplant is performed, and the problem of sewing Marks is eliminated. Because the recovery time is shorter, the natural appearance is faster, so the FUE method is preferred.

Ease Of Operation

Since the hair roots taken from the area are applied to the person who will October the hair, there is no serious bleeding in the area taken from the root and no traces remain. For this reason, the FUE method is very preferred.

Easy Application

FUE hair transplantation is preferred by people who want to avoid pain and have faster hair in October because the procedure is performed with local anesthesia and the entire hair transplantation process is completed within six to seven hours.

Chance to be effective in all conditions

Thanks to the FUE method, it is preferred by people with a lack of donors in the place where the hair root will be taken, because if there are not enough donors in the area where the root will be taken, it can be applied to the area where the hair root will be taken from the beard and chest.

More natural appearance

FUE hair transplantation method with more frequent hair transplantation and regional October is done comfortably, people who want to get better results may prefer this method.

Permanent impact rate

For those who are afraid of the possibility of hair loss after hair transplantation, the hair roots that will be transplanted to the area to be planted in the Fue method are taken from areas that do not fall out, such as the tops of the ears and the nape, the hair does not fall out in the area that is October after the procedure.


Before FUE hair transplantation, the person’s hair in the donor area to be taken is shortened to be 1 mm in size. Hair removal from the donor area begins after hair reduction. Before starting the procedure, the area to be planted and the donor area to be removed from the hair are numbed with local anesthesia. During this method, absolutely no general anesthesia is applied. In addition, any surgical method is not included in the scope of the technique.

The Donor area is usually defined as the nape region, which remains behind the two ears. In addition to hair transplantation, if October procedures such as mustaches or beards are also considered, this should be reported to a specialist health care provider. Because the number of hair follicles and tissue fragments (grafts) located in the donor area is limited.

After applying local anesthesia, the micromotor tip is brought to the direction of the hair output to take the hair root, leaving the hair root from the skin. After the graft is taken as much as necessary, hair transplantation is performed in the desired area by the same method.

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