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5 Tips To Encourage Breastfeeding: Help Moms & Babies

One of the most difficult decisions new mothers make is whether to breastfeed or not, and for how long. Breastfeeding is beneficial to both the mother and the child, though it can be challenging at first. The benefits of breastfeeding are numerous; nursing helps prevent infection, makes the uterus shrink back to normal more quickly after birth, aids in losing weight gained during pregnancy…and so on. If you’re pregnant, this article will give you some tips that can encourage you to breastfeed your baby more successfully! Read on this blog by AloeMaa

1st Tip:

Find out what resources are accessible to you. Breastfeeding classes can be found through local hospitals or clinics; they offer a convenient way for women (or expectant couples) to learn about breastfeeding in a comfortable, relaxed environment. If you can’t find a breastfeeding class in your area, seek out the resources online.

2nd Tip:

After the birth of your baby, spend as much time skin-to-skin with her as possible. This will help you to bond with your baby and increase the success of both bottle feeding and later latching during nursing. The more practice you have holding your baby before attempting to breastfeed, the easier it will be for all involved.

3rd Tip:

Watch out for nipple soreness caused by incorrect latching, which can occur even if you’re doing everything “right” by established standards! While every woman is different, a mother’s nipples may become tender and/or cracked if either she or her baby is not latching properly. If you’re nursing, you’ll want to seek out the help of an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) who can spot problems like this quickly.

4th Tip:

While it might be easier for some babies to take formula from bottle than breast, keep in mind that breastfeeding would still offer your child numerous benefits over formula feeding even if he won’t nurse directly.

There are really too many reasons why breast milk is preferable to formula.. Remember, just holding your baby skin-to-skin will provide wonderful emotional and physical nurturing for both of you! Bottle feeding can be a wonderful addition to supplementing breastfeeding for when you’re in dire need of a break. Just know that either way, there’s no need to feel guilty. Good luck!

5th Tip:

Feed your baby a bottle before going out and about with your partner, even if it means pumping ahead of time. Also keep in mind that the fat globules in pumped milk don’t separate quite as fast compared to fresh breast milk, so make sure you give your baby an hour or two after drinking before burping him (the same is true for all babies during feeding). Hold off on supplemental feedings until after nursing to allow his sucking instincts from the bottle-feeding experience help lead him back to the breast.

While it might be easier for some to pump during this time simply because it is so convenient, if you are feeling overwhelmed by the idea of pumping in addition to everything else, try living on the edge for a week or two and see how things go. Just remember to keep your sterilized pump parts chilled in ice in a cooler bag in case you need to pump while out and about!

6th Tip:

Prepare for feedings in advance. Try keeping some healthy snacks on hand at all times, along with bottles filled with expressed milk (which should be labeled with your baby’s name), frozen juice pops made from breast milk, etc.

You can even make an emergency bottle of formula ahead of time if you think that might happen eventually. While most hospitals recommend feeding babies nothing but breast milk for six weeks, there are medical conditions that can necessitate using formula. Again, if you have to use formula, please talk with your pediatrician before doing so.

7th Tip:

If your baby is formula-fed, you’ll want to prepare the bottle ahead of time so it’s ready once he or she starts crying, which can be intense.

8th Tip:

As soon as you’re out of the hospital and home with your baby, change his or her diaper often. It will seem like every 30 seconds during the first few weeks! We changed our son’s first diaper before we even left the hospital. Seriously. Then we went through about seven more diapers on our way home from Chicago (thankfully, they were all pretty small).

Later, after changing around eight thousand diapers in a single day (totally not an exaggeration), you’ll wonder how people ever managed to leave their babies in a diaper for a couple hours, let alone several days.

9th Tip:

Put your baby on a soothing feeding and sleep schedule, and he or she will be much less fussy during the day. Our son’s doctor advised us to feed him every two to three hours during the day. This helped him take longer naps during the day because he was better rested from eating more often.

He also slept almost five straight hours at one point! Before that, I don’t think he’d ever slept more than two whole hours without waking up for a feeding in his entire life (which was only 25 days long so far).

10th Tip:

On a related note, always put your baby down when he or she is tired, not sleepy. If you put your baby down when he or she is drowsy, they will start to rely on the rocking motion of being held in order to fall asleep. This makes it more difficult for them to go asleep later without you.

Don’t assume anything: 

Are the benefits of breastfeeding to babies well known? Yes they are; however, many people assume they know all about “pumping and dumping,” assuming that a mom will just put her milk in a bottle for her baby while she is away from them. Pumping milk while at work or going back to school can be stressful enough without having to worry about where your baby’s next meal is going to come from! If you know someone struggling with breastfeeding, offer to take care of things for them so that they can get some rest/relax time while their baby is getting fed.

Be patient: 

It is very common for mom’s milk supply to drop when they first begin pumping as their body adapts to the new demand that is being put on it by expressing milk. In many cases, this causes a temporary dip in production as mom tries to handle both her baby and a pump at the same time. Be patient with your supply and know that once your baby starts solids, you may produce more milk than you ever dreamed possible! Using a hospital grade pump or renting one from a local lactation consultant will help ensure that you get the most out of every session!

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