ways to help animal shelters-Abandoned dogs are the responsibility of the entire society, although many do not consider it that way. This ideal should be emphasized in all citizens through awareness campaigns and messages, since, according to the latest study by the Affinity Foundation, entitled He would never do it, Spain is among the first places on the list regarding abandonment pet is concerned.
Animal shelters and rescuers always require extra hands that can help. It is often mistakenly thought that all they need is resources. These, of course, are very valuable to be able to pay for the food and medical needs of the animals that are rescued, but there are also many other ways to collaborate.
How to Donate for Animals Care
- Donate your time
Dogs and cats are generally kept in cages in shelters, which causes them a lot of stress. In addition, many of them have had traumatic experiences (the street is not easy for those defenseless animals that cannot express themselves), so they are often anxious and depressed.
A good way to collaborate is visiting the shelters : bring them a toy, a delicious meal, pamper them, scratch their heads, brush them or take them out of the cage for a walk. Without a doubt, they will appreciate it
You can also take the time to take pictures of them and spread them on social media to promote responsible adoption.
Each person can offer some type of help depending on the professional knowledge and skills they have: carrying out repairs, giving informative talks or helping with cleaning.
- Organize a collection
Animal shelters and rescuers always need medicine, food and any other useful materials.
Another way to help is by organizing a collection in your community or through the internet to get blankets, towels, medicines, toys, necklaces, cat litter, croquettes, scrapers and cleaning materials, among other necessary things.
You can also collect money to maintain the shelter and to carry out sterilizations.
The most recommendable thing is to keep the people who contribute the resources well informed, showing them the invoices of everything that is bought and keeping control of the expenses in a public way, in order to avoid confusion.
- Sponsor
What is the sponsorship of a pet? Basically, a dog or cat is chosen and the responsibility is assumed to contribute monthly the necessary amount to cover its medical and feeding expenses. In addition, it also involves going out for a walk and pampering her from time to time.
Provide a foster home
Foundations and independent rescuers do a commendable job, but many times they can’t help a furry in distress because they have no place to locate him.
Therefore, another way to help is by offering your home as a foster home, to be able to offer all possible care and love to a pet while you do not yet have a definitive family. The idea is to help them in their recovery and then put them up for adoption.
If you want to expand the family with a dog or cat, you should never think about buying, but rather adopting one from a shelter.
But before making this important decision, the following questions must be asked:
Can I keep it in good condition? Can I dedicate the time you need? If a pet is removed from a shelter, it is to guarantee a happy life . That means playing with her, taking her to the vet for medical checks, and providing her with water, food, and toys.
Donations for animal protectors
If you are thinking of making a solidarity gift, it is worth discovering one that can change the lives of more than one animal. We refer to donations for animal protectors. A simple way to put our grain of sand in the activity that these associations carry out. A necessary task that requires selfless collaboration in order to continue over time. A real necessity if we take a look at the number of abandoned animals that are registered each year.
check: What percent of donations go to animals through the aspca
According to data from the Affinity Foundation, more than 130,000 cats and dogs were abandoned last year. A dramatic figure that gives an idea of the importance of donations for animal protectors. Because only in this way these associations can continue with their day to day. Because only thanks to these thousands of animals can they find a place to live safely, waiting to find a real home.
So we want you to discover how to make donations for animal protectors. A way not only to help in their activity but, fundamentally, to those animals without families.
Why make donations for animal protectors
In general, donations for animal protectors are the main source of livelihood for these entities. Most of these associations do not have any type of public aid, so their operation is subject to private aid. Hence the importance of reaching out so that they can continue to rescue abandoned animals.
Understanding the weight of donations for animal protectors involves understanding in detail the activity of these associations. For anyone, the visible face of them is the adoption days in which they look for a home for their foster parents. However, the reality goes much further. All animals that live temporarily in these shelters have the same needs as one that lives in a house. Some are not limited only to a correct diet but also to the coverage of other aspects that guarantee their well-being.
Donations for animal protectors to help their activity
In addition to that, there is another aspect to consider. From the time an animal is rescued until it finds a family, it can take months or even years. A time during which the animal protectors have to be able to take care of it as it deserves. And we’re not just talking about dog food or cat food. We also talk about many other articles necessary for the care of an animal. Brushes, antiparasitic collars, straps or even blankets are some of the accessories that these associations need for their day today.