Life is not a bed of roses. It is full of praying too, that we have to cope bravely. Just the way it is said, when life gives you lemons, make a lemonade”. Either it is a tough situation at home or a bad day at work, unpredicted health or financial challenges, we all face these kinds of situations in our lives at some time – and getting angry or depressed is natural.
Let us dive into the topic, with an open discussion. How many of you know people who are fully content with what they have in life? Can you name someone you know, who is not complaining to God for what he does not have? Most of the readers would node their heads in NO. it is true because no one on earth is content with what he has. It is human nature, that he always wants to get more- cry for those blessings which they are deprived of, instead of those which he is blessed with. There are very few people, who are happy with the will of God.
Research conducted concludes that almost two-third of people across the globe are facing issues of anxiety, depression, and stress. Reasons can be multiple, but I believe tensions and getting frustrated is not a solution for tough times. One needs to stay strong with a firm belief in God. Praying not only brings us closer to God but also relaxes us. Besides, keeping a spiritual connection with God guides us and helps us come out of the hard times, without any worry and also strengthens our long-term physical and emotional health. If a person is religious, I believe he is doing a great favor to his brain and heart. Do you know how?
Bad Health
Judge Napolitano conducted a study, that concludes who are at risk of depression and anxiety. Judge Napolitano is a professor and director of Clinical Psychology and director of the Spirituality Mind Body Institute at Teachers College, Columbia University. This study included 10 random participants. The level of risk was also studied based on the family history.
With the use of an MRI, while studying their brain activity and structure, she concludes that people who are more religious and pray regularly have developed thicker cortices in comparison to others. This thinking of the cortices in some parts of the brain indicates bad health that is linked to anxiety and depression. The thickness of the cortices shows that the person is not at all or suffering less from depression, and also shows his connectivity with God and how praying benefits the human brain and soul.
Besides protecting you from stress or anxiety, there are other multiple benefits of prayers. In this article, I would highlight five important ways how praying can benefit you in not only getting a relaxed mind and soul but also how to lead a healthy life. These are:
1. Prayer Make you Stress-Free
We all are surrounded by stress. Either it’s about job, relationships or family, and health, we are constantly thinking. As mentioned earlier, life is of course beautiful, but it is not easy. The world is full of strains and demands. This means we are exposed to continuous pressure in this uncertain world. However, getting connected to God through regular prayer can help you to relieve stress. It has been published in the British Journal of Health Psychology, praying protects people from developing disorders of anxiety and depression. Praying impacts the state of mind, and helps to relax, and reduces the adverse effects of stress that might also harm other organs of the body. It also minimizes mental stress.
2. Prayer Can Keep You Healthy
Good health is a gift of prayer. Regular prayers motivate a person to stand up and face the situation with full courage no matter how tough the situation is. Also, when we pray, our connection with God makes us realize that some things are beyond our control. This makes our minds relax, and we are less vulnerable to the evils of anxiety and depression.
While some researchers also directly connect prayers and a strong immune system. Praying improves our immune system. There are some other health benefits too like asthma, controlled Blood Pressure, Hypertension, ulcers, Migraine, and Diabetes. Most of these diseases are related to depression. The proper and healthy functioning of the heart is another benefit of praying. Regular prayers at the prayer timings accelerate the recovery of the organ after a heart attack and a major surgery. Besides it also regulates the heartbeat, and makes the organ stronger.
This means, do not skip your prayers from onwards, get connected to God, and stay healthy- mentally and physically.
3. Prayer Gives You Peace of Mind
Bending down in front of your God regularly, keeps your mind relaxed. The moments spend with God not only relieve your stress but also give you some time alone, to think about what life actually is? This is where you gather the courage to focus on yourself and be clear in your mind about what you want to do and how you would deal with some kind of uncertain situation?
When a religious person is stuck in some tough situation, his faith in God takes him out of it with full confidence. This confidence comes with peace of mind, which is achieved through praying daily. Can you name someone you know, who is not complaining to God for what he does not have? Most of the readers would node their heads in NO. it is true because no one on earth is content with what he has. It is human nature, that he always wants to get more- cry for those blessings which they are deprived of, instead of those which he is blessed with. There are very few people, who are happy with the will of God.
4. Prayer Makes You an Optimistic Person
I believe being optimistic makes life much easier. Praying plays a role in letting people analyze what they “have” instead of what they “don’t have.” It encourages people to have optimistic thinking about life. To stay a happy life in a world, where we are bombarded with constant pressures every day, it is beneficial not only emotionally but also physically to have an optimistic practice. Studies say that praying releases dopamine in the human brain, resulting in more happy feelings. This is why religious people are said to be more content people.
5. Prayer Helps in Post-surgical Recovery
Living a normal life after any kind of surgery is difficult. Take an example of angioplasty. It is never easy for the patient to live a more content life after the surgery and in most cases, the patients become severely depressed.
It has been found that regular connection with God results in faster healing of surgical scars. The reason is when the human body is done with that stressful situation; the body then shifts its focus and efforts in getting back to the normal position.
Final Thoughts
We live in a world, where we are constantly bombarded with stress on a daily basis. Life is another name of hardships. Not everyone is strong enough to face uncertain situations with courage, but I believe that regular prayers can stop you from going into a state of depression long with other numerous health benefits.