
Stover & Company is Definitive Among Wholesale Food Suppliers for Bakeries

Stover & Company is Definitive Among Wholesale Food Suppliers for Bakeries

Anyone in foodservice is liable to have a pronounced need for wholesale supplies from time to time. Actually, it’s more than likely that anyone in that situation will have a need for wholesale food and service supplies all the time.

That makes it well worth your while, if you are responsible for procurement, to find a supplier that has your back and can set you up with the goods you need, when you need them, at prices that will not offend.

There may be more than one supplier out there to cater to the differing needs of businesses serving odd areas of the market, but among wholesale food suppliers for bakeries, there is one name that stands above the rest: Stover & Company.

Everything You Need and Then Some

Obviously, the most important thing you need from wholesale food suppliers for bakeries is a partner that has the goods. And with that in mind, there are a lot of goods that you might need.

If you specialize in baking cakes, then of course you will need the essentials; sugars, flours, oils, and other mixes. But that, in and of itself, is a ludicrous oversimplification of what a bakeries needs are. Flour is not flour, sugar is not sugar, and oil is certainly not simply oil.

When you come to Stover & Company to meet the unique needs of your bakery, you will find a ton of specialized ingredients, such as pastry flour, cake flour, semolina flour, gluten-free flour, and many other specialty flours. On the same note, you can find white sugar, confectioners sugar, light and dark brown sugar and even sanding sugar for those occasions when you need to garnish more than a staple.

Visit their website, StoverCompany.com and you will be rich in butters, oils, and shortenings, including high ratio and fry shortenings, among many other specialties. This only scratches the surface, however, and their website is rife with baking supplies for all of your wholesale baking needs. You can find pie fillings, ready-made mixes, bases, even chocolates, and other ingredients for candy making and confectionery. There’s little point in elaborating on all of it here. Visit their website and see for yourself.

Outstanding Facilities

Stover & Company cares about the quality of your baked goods, and therefore they care about the quality of the bakery supplies that they sell. Therefore, they don’t only sell selections from some of the top brands in the industry, but they also own their own distribution network, which consists not only of a fleet of refrigerated trucks but several of their own freezers, including 20,000 and 30,000 square foot freezers. Quality is paramount to success, and they understand that.

Excellent Prices

Another thing to look out for is a supplier who can get you the ingredients and supplies you need at decent prices, and that’s another specialty of Stover’s. Not only do they offer fair pricing out of the gate, but to them, customers are an extension of family and they will work directly with you in order to come up with pricing that works for you.

In fact, in general Stover & Company sets the bar for customer service. They are responsive, knowledgeable, and helpful, as well as committed to a quality customer experience that has had their customers coming back time and time again for over 70 years.

See what makes the difference for yourself. Visit their website to learn more about their products and services and if you have any questions get in touch with a member of their team. You can reach them at 724-274-6314 – they’d be glad to hear from you.

For more information about Callebaut Chocolate and Saf Instant Yeast Please visit : Stover & Co..

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