When your septic system is involved, it is vital that you know that it is not made of one component alone. It is a system with several parts, with each of these parts contributing to the success of the whole process. One of the most important parts is the drain field or leach field. Oftentimes, homeowners are only focused on the septic tank’s maintenance but forget the importance of a leach field maintenance routine.
Just as much as you know about your septic tank, you must also understand the leach field. You need to know its purpose, functionality, and importance. In this way, you avoid problems occurring in your septic system.
What is a leach field?
The leach field serves an extension to the septic tank. It is also referred to as the drain field as it drains the treated wastewater from the tank. The main purpose of a leach field is to further treat any impurities left in the water. The best way to explain its functions is similar to a digestive system. As the organic and biodegradable substances go through the leach field, the bacteria will break them down. This is why you have to commit to a regular leach field maintenance schedule and do not neglect it at all costs.
How does leach fieldwork?
Leach fields need a large area that has unsaturated soil that a good absorbent property to be effective in dissipating the effluent. Since there is an oversaturation of the soil, the leach fields are not appropriate when it comes to dense urban areas. They can be used with every temperature, although there might be some problems when pooling the effluent when the ground freezes.
If you have a leach field, you need to be fully aware of its functionalities, particularly when it comes to leach field maintenance responsibilities. Make sure that you keep away and deep-rooted plants or trees from the leach field as the roots can disrupt the tile bed or crack it.
The leach field has many sets of pipes with lines beneath the ground. Oftentimes, permeable soil or gravel surrounds the pipes. These pipes have some tiny holes on the sides and bottom. Once the wastewater goes to the pipes, it will leach to the surrounding soil or gravel. The next process is when the bacteria within the area purifies and cleanses the liquid waste, through digestion of the organic waste materials.
You have to remember that only liquid waste goes into the leach field. Every septic tank has a filter on the outlet pipe that prevents solid waste from going to the leach field. The solid waste left in the tank will be broken down by the bacteria. The byproducts of the anaerobic bacterial digestion of the solid wastes are scum and sludge. The scum and sludge build-up within the tank, which is why you should regularly pump your septic tanks.
When the water is absorbed by the ground, it is also filtered. The drain field’s size is often determined by how absorbent the ground is. In areas with hard clay ground, the soil will slowly absorb the water which would require the leach field to be bigger.
All of these functionalities work in an absolute passive system. The septic system is powered by gravity as the water flows down from the home to the tank, then to the drain field. How to commit to a proper leach field maintenance?
The leach field is part of the final steps in the entire septic system. It might be in the last stages of the whole process but it is a very important factor. In fact, when the leach field fails, you can expect that it will affect your whole septic system.
One of the ways to ensure that your leach field will work properly is to ensure that there is no bushes or trees within less than 10 feet from the leach field. Do not plant anything in the leach field as the roots may block and damage the pipes.
Never park or drive vehicles, dirt bikes, tractors, or any go-carts in the leach field area. These things can potentially damage the leach field, especially if the area is wet. If you are hosting events in your home or have many family members living in a home, make everyone aware to avoid the leach field area.
Regularly pumping your septic tanks and performing a routine leach field maintenance is very important. Having a maintenance routine would prevent any sludge accumulating in the septic tank which may block the filter and ensure that your leach field is an optimal condition to operate.