Health and Fitness


Yoga for Fitness

Posted By Samreen Saleem


Yoga for Health & Fitness | Yoga for fitness | Yoga exercises | Yoga Meditation


Yoga means the “connection “. The connection between your body, mind & soul & that takes your attention away from the stress of the outside world and keeps the focus on your inner being & recognizing your self.

 Yoga calms your mind & nerves with breathing exercises. Yoga has the most important ability to control mental & emotional energy.

 It makes your mind peaceful & stable & balances your body with the dimensions of your mind. Yoga enables you to create new attitudes, behaviors, and responses to your life & gives you a clear understanding of yourself.

Yoga can raise your spiritual and psychic energy by releasing the negative energy that flows throughout your body through “Exhale” and take in positive energy through “Inhale” & balancing the energy level through “Pranayama” or “Breathe In” & “Breathe Out” practices.

This breathing practice is beneficial for both the mental & physical energy of the body& mind.

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The Health Benefits of Yoga and Fitness:


Yoga Exercise

  1. It improves the flexibility of muscles joints; strengthens the spine; eases back pain; improves muscular-skeletal conditions such as bad knees, tight shoulders, and neck, increases stamina; creates balance and grace;
  2. Stimulates the glands of the endocrine system; improves digestion and elimination; increases circulation; improves heart conditions;
  3. Improves breathing disorders; boosts immune response; decreases cholesterol and blood sugar levels and encourages weight loss.


The Mental Health Benefits of Yoga:

Yoga stretches
Yoga stretches

It increases body awareness; relieves chronic stress patterns in the body; refreshes the body by relieving muscle strain;

  1. Relaxes the mind and body; centers attention; sharpens concentration and frees the spirit.
  2. Yoga relieves the symptoms of several diseases such as arthritis, arteriosclerosis, chronic fatigue, diabetes, AIDS, asthma, and obesity.
  3. It can also help to prevent the symptoms of old age & keep you healthy & younger looking for a long time.

Yoga provides deep relaxation to mind, body & soul. It releases stress & anxiety, creates mental balance & control, calm the nerves of mind as well as the best physical exercise for weight loss& keep you healthy & physically fit.  

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Hi, I'm Samreen. I'm a Freelancer. Search engine optimizer, Content writer, WordPress Developer, Digital Marketer.

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