
Porcelain Veneers: Restore Your Teeth and Get the Desired Smile

Stained and crooked teeth can create a change in your facial appearance, causing you to hide your smile. Good thing that there is cosmetic dentistry that helps to correct your teeth and enhance your smile. One effective dental treatment under cosmetic dentistry is Porcelain veneers. Besides giving you a radiant smile, dental veneers also promote better oral health.

Know More About Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are a great innovation in cosmetic dentistry, requiring an experienced dentist. Using dental cement, the porcelain material is bonded to the teeth of the patient. They improve the aesthetics of the teeth according to the natural shape and colour of the enamel. Although porcelain veneers do not correct teeth the way other procedures do, like braces, veneers are a suitable option for those who do not want braces.

There is no need to put veneer in all of your teeth. It is possible to treat a small group or a single tooth, which is beneficial if you have gotten into an accident and obtained a cracked or chipped tooth. Some other reasons to opt for veneers are:

  • Gaps between teeth
  • Discoloured or stained teeth
  • Worn-down teeth
  • Irregularly shaped teeth

Veneers naturally reflect light and look like natural teeth. Because of dental imaging, you can get porcelain veneers in about a couple of days, matching your teeth’s colour and shape. It is all about finding veneers that look like they belong to your mouth. Your dentist will help you find something that works with you perfectly. You will want to avoid extremely white veneers that may appear unnatural.

When you decide to have dental veneers, your dentist will make an impression after you undergo a digital x-ray. Before placing veneers on the teeth, the dentist will let you wear temporary versions of your chosen veneers. The purpose of this is so that you can see how the porcelain veneers feel and look on you. This is also the time for your dentist to make any changes to craft your new teeth further. Sometimes, a tooth or a number of your teeth has to be shaved down before the procedure.

What Are the Advantages of Porcelain Veneers?

Apart from making you look amazing, you can benefit from having Porcelain veneers in many other ways:

  • Treatments are generally minor and do not require a lot of visits to the dental office. Most patients only have two appointments; one for prepping their teeth and the second when the veneers are put into place.
  • Porcelain is stain-resistant. Therefore, veneers can remain white for years, unlike teeth whitening requires touch-ups. Also, you may consume food and drinks that are stain-producers, such as soda, beets, or red wine.
  • Veneers can hide a variety of dental issues, for example, malocclusions, gaps, and minor damage brought on by a poor oral health habit or an injury.
  • They are durable and long-lasting. If done correctly, your veneers can last 10-15 years.
  • The treatment procedure is pain-free. You can enjoy the outcome shortly without having to go through an exhausting recovery period.
  • Dental veneers can be sculpted to fit your teeth because they are customizable.

If you lack self-confidence or feel awkward when smiling because of your teeth, consider having Porcelain veneers. Learn more about this dental procedure and find out if you are a good candidate for it, including how you can benefit from them.

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